CISM Advanced Course 2019


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Pattern Formation in Advanced Materials: Energetics and Evolution

July 22, 2019 — July 26, 2019

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Klaus Hackl (Materialtheorie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
Dennis M. Kochmann (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

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Pattern Formation in Advanced Materials: Energetics and Evolution

July 22, 2019 — July 26, 2019

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Klaus Hackl (Materialtheorie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)
Dennis M. Kochmann (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

Invited Lecturers
Kaushik Bhattacharya (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA)

6 lectures on: time-dependent processes in heterogeneous media, homogenization of evolution equations, pinning, applications to adhesion and fracture mechanics.

Georg Dolzmann (Universität Regensburg, Germany)

6 lectures on: mathematical theory for relaxation with applications to elastic and plastic materials.

Klaus Hackl (Materialtheorie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)

6 lectures on: fundamentals of variational methods, thermodynamic principles, evolution laws and relaxation theory with applications to prominent problems of material modeling (including damage, topology optimization and granular media).

Richard D. James (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA)

6 lectures on: theory and applications of phase transformations in solids, pattern formation by energy minimization, microstructure evolution, comparison of theory and experiments, application to the modelling of the behavior of shape-memory alloys.

Dennis M. Kochmann (ETH Züric, Switzerland)

6 lectures on: energy relaxation by numerical and analytical methods with applications to pattern formation in finite elasticity, plasticity, and phase transformations.

Annie Raoult (Université Paris Descartes/CNRS, Paris, France)

6 lectures on: variational methods for homogenization and dimension reduction with applications to lattices and prestrained materials.